Featured Champions

15 -18 Division, Skier Division

Xander Guldman

Athlete Details:

Age:  16
Division:  15-18 Mens Ski
Home Town: Truckee, California
Home Mountain:  Sugar Bowl
Team:  Sugar Bowl Freeride

Freeriding Titles

  • 2015 IFSA 15-18 Men's Ski Champion
  • 2015 TJFS Men's 15-18 Ski Champion
  • 2015 FJWC North American Team Member
  • 2013 TJFS Men's 12-14 Ski Champion

Describe a highlight moment from your 2015 IFSA season.

The stop at Crystal this year was amazing.  The energy, venue, and caliber of skiing was unlike any event that I had ever been to before.  Seth Klein put down the most impressive run I have ever seen, and everybody else skied incredibly as well.  The weather was beautiful, it was the best snow I had skied all year, and being able to share that experience with some of my closest friends made it a highlight part of my season.

Where can you be found when you are not freeriding?

Either in my room studying or out lost in the woods somewhere.

What can't you stop talking about?

...it's just like, dude, you get the best barrels ever, dude, just like, you pull in, and you just get spit right out of 'em, you just drop in and just smack the lip--Whaapaaa!--drop down--Sampaaah!--and after that, you just drop in, ride the barrel, get pitted, so pitted, like that

What would you like to see change in the world and how can you make it happen?

Where to start. I guess if I had to choose one thing I would want to see discrimination end and an age of mutual respect to begin. Abuse of power, violence, and most other issues with contemporary society stem from prejudice and an assumption of superiority or entitlement. If we learn to recognize our differences and connect on a human level, so much more can be accomplished. This is the type of movement that happens individually but spreads contagiously in order to reach a larger scale.

This is just one of countless issues that need to be addressed, but I feel as though this change can be used to initiate change in a number of other areas.

Tell us something about yourself that is unusual or little known.

Something that many people might not know about me is that I lived in Argentina with my family for 5 months during the first half of sixth grade.  I went to school in Buenos Aires, travelled around the country, went skiing in a few different places, and learned Spanish.

Freestyle Q!

Answer coming soon

Shout Outs

Huge thank you to my sponsors The North Face, Völkl Skis, Smith Optics, BlueZone Sports, and Marker Bindings!  Thanks to Sugar Bowl Academy and all of my coaches/teachers for providing an environment that allows me to ski and travel at a high level while still being able to focus on my studies.  And I cannot thank my parents enough.  Also shout out to Louis Norris and Jordy Guldman.




2023 IFSA North American Qualifiers

  • Backcountry Access
  • Flyin Ryan Hawks
  • CAST
  • Western Colorado University
  • SHRED Optics
  • Booking.com
  • My Wicked Dude
  • Skicom For Freeskiers 1